Sunday, 20 July 2014

The Silver Lining ...

We , as Muslims in general and Pakistanis in particular , have become very pessimistic. Yes, it is very easy to say "do not lose hope" when you're sitting in a comfortable lounge . It is easy to talk about positive things when you are getting electricity ( even if it's due to a UPS) , when you don't have to worry about water, gas and other basic amenities.

But having all the facilities readily available makes us forget how valuable these things really are and we start complaining at the drop of a hat. We have started to mix up "reality" with "doomsday". We come up with the most negative scenarios imaginable . Yes, I totally agree that things are not good at all. But can we honestly say that we are in a worse condition than the forefathers of Islam ? Are we even close to suffering the hardships they were facing ? There are a lot of Muslim countries , such as Afghanistan , Yemen, Egypt , Iraq and Palestine that are going through extremely tough situations . The Western media has done any an everything imaginable to promote these countries in a negative light . They have been promoted as oppressed countries , they have been promoted as having cruel dictators , they have been promoted as being terrorist states, for having WMDs, for stock piling chemical weapons , for trying to become nuclear states , for harboring extremists.

Please ask yourself , why is the West taking so much pains ? Why is so much being invested through media ? Why so much on wars against these countries? I mean, if Muslims really are that far gone and finished off, then why waste so much resources to crush them further ? We, the Muslims , buy any and everything the Western media sells us . We accept their dictation of Islam being a terrorist religion . We have fallen for their propaganda that Muslim women are "oppressed" and "subjugated". We have totally agreed to Islam being an intolerant religion . We have accepted words like "jihadist" , "Islamist" , "Islamic terrorist" and "fundamentalist" without questioning their rationale.

For example , do we even question that what "Islamist" even means ? What is the difference between "Muslim" and "Islamist" ? What do we mean by "Extremist" and at what stage one ceases to be a "Liberal" and starts becoming an "Extremist"? We have just accepted these words and terminologies because they have been repeated so many times that we have forgotten to question them. Anyone that does question is ridiculed and given insulting labels such as being "narrow minded" , "ignorant" or "conspiracy theorist".

We need to realize that despite being in such dire straits, Muslims are not history . Not yet. We have lost touch with our religion and our history and that is why we feel so insignificant and awed by any and everyone. We are putting too much faith in the wrong places. How many times we have begged for help from "International Community" , I have lost count , really ! How many times we have prayed to Allah with the complete faith that we show in others . It's shirk day in day out for us and yet we expect miracles from Him. We have more faith in our own abilities and mechanism than Lord of the Worlds. What does this say about us ?

If there is darkness anywhere , it is within and not around us. Obviously , the "International Community" would cash this opportunity as much as possible to cure their Islamophobia. Despite being scattered completely , Muslims do hold the "International Media" under awe . The West is more aware of the greatness of Islam that Muslims are. We need to see that greatness in ourselves that the West sees but would never acknowledge.

We need to stop being so mesmerized with the West. We need to realize that Muslims have an amazing history. We need to stop listening to people who taunt us of  "living in the past". Yes, we as Muslims, are VERY proud of our golden past . There is absolutely nothing wrong about reveling in the past and getting motivated from it. We have become too accustomed to thinking negatively. We are too willing to call ourselves failures. We have forgotten how Allah helped our forefathers in the bleakest of situations.

Please, do not lose hope . Do not day dream, either but do not lose hope so much so that you start doing shirk. We are living in a very bleak time but if everything was really that bad as the Media would want us to believe then we wouldn't even have access to any Media ! If someone is working so hard to control your thoughts then you are indeed a worthy opponent .

That is the silver lining. Just put your faith in the right place and see how that silver lining would give way to sunshine in it's own time.

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