Sunday, 13 July 2014

The "Fahashi" syndrome ...

I am the kind of person that is is pretty much unburdened by the material I share online. I am quite reserved and introverted in real life. However , online , I tip quite the other way. Maybe it is to make up for the lack of interaction in real life of maybe it is just due to the freedom that the internet offers , I am quite "vocal" on the internet forums , particularly Facebook and Google+ . I have subscribed to a lot of pages that are related to Science , History , Religion , Fitness ( will get to this one later on) , Models ( female models of course!) , Fictional characters etc etc.

I have the habit of exploring things. If I come across some intriguing bit of information , I would go on line and try to find out more about it. The topics that appeal to me are diverse and range from Cosmos , dinosaurs ,UFOs to the occult , history and religion . I have left no topic off limits as I happen to very inquisitive. Politics and sports are the only topics that hold no interest for me whatsoever , unless there is a hot looking female character involved.

Naturally , I share a lot of my interests online as well. I'll give you an example. I read an article once about "What is on the side of the moon that is forever hidden from us?" What , indeed? I mean , we see the moon every day, right ? So obviously the other side must be similar to the one that we see . Turns out , it is not ! It was quite mind blowing to read this . To think that after all those technological advances , we have only just begun to understand our nearest neighbor in the universe !

How I wish someone else would share the fascination I feel when I come across things like that! As it turns out , information like this holds no interest at all for the majority.

I wonder what would happen if I give a twist to this very phenomenon that makes it "controversial" . Pakistanis love controversies and the particularly respond to anything that has the overtures of  "fahaashi" . Maybe I should have put forward the question : Is the moon fahash ? or : Is it fahash to go for a walk in moonlit night ?

You see , from what I have observed , we are tuned towards "Fahaashi" . Our criteria for responding to anything is based on it's shock value. Fahaashi is something we respond to very well. People would not be awed by the fact that the Universe is 13.1 Billion years old or how incredibly massive it is , but they would immediately respond to the picture of a scantily clad fitness model. They might be offended or they might be thrilled . But it is not possible that they would be totally unaffected .

Why is that ? Obviously , no one is interested in the same stuff. If I am thrilled by animals that live outside volcano vents deep under surface of the ocean, I shouldn't expect everyone else to do so. But then . I wouldn't expect others to be so responsive to the explicit bits of information I dole out more than once in a while. It just does not fit. It shows that all you're flying an aeroplane that has only one meter, called  Fahashi Meter and you're blind to each and everything. In case of Pakistanis , there is the Siyaasat Meter as well , but that's about it.

Maybe that is the reason Muslims ruled for a thousand years. They had achieved a strong balance in their lives. Their very work was an extension to their daily Ibaadats. We , on the other hand, couldn't care less about the Universe around us . We couldn't care about anything , really unless is something controversial. Our senses are dead when it comes to exploring our surroundings. We only feed on "sectarianism" , "politics" and of course , "obscenity" and "immorality" . Who cares about the creations all around us , anyway ?

What's the point of diving beneath the seas and going into the depths of space ? Let's be very vigilant about the "fahaashi"  however , because this is something we can grasp with our feeble intellect and talk about until the cows return home.

I hope that, in the not distant future, the Muslims would be in a world that has much more than fahashi. For the time being , we are vegetables . We have only one lens through which we look at things . When the time comes when we have more lenses to look through , we really wouldn't have time to worry about obscenity and vulgarity as we would be too busy being awed by the dazzling universe Allah has created for us so that we may ponder over it "standing , sitting and lying" ; we would find our selves crying out from the depths of our heart that "O Allah ! verily you have not created anything without purpose." !!

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